Keys for the Future

Client: SD Sociaal Sekretariaat
Activity: Institutional Authority
Attending Public: 1,000
Location: Belgium / Antwerp
Venue: Antverpia Dock

Client Requirement:

Create an event to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Having business contacts and clients of various origins and with so many different points of interests, we don’t know what type of event would please everyone - many suggestions have been made, including a family day, an academic event and a classical concert.
Find a way to explain our activities, since most or our clients know very little about our business and might be interested in looking at our services from another angle.

Our Proposal:

Rather than organising a festive event, we decided to set up an exhibition.
Thanks to the latest techniques of interactive entertainment and a series of magnificent decors, we found a good way to explain the rather starchy and inaccessible subject of Social Security and labour legislation, in a very simple (sometimes even funny) way.
The trip through the world of SD was set up as a journey through a time tunnel where the visitors wandered through an amazing circuit full of surprises like the reconstruction of a library with huge shelves of files, an old-style office with it’s antiquated equipment, a bank safe to be opened by unveiling secret codes, a video time-tunnel, a salary fountain in which a large flow of gross fees dripped into a tiny glass of net income, a magic law book providing a vocal narration of simple explanations as it’s pages turned, etc.

The exhibit was extended several times and instead of a one-day event, the project finally lasted for 3 weeks.
The number of visitors kept growing and, discovering the easy understanding and the educational capacity of our concept, SD invited the Antwerp schools to come and take a glimpse at the lighter side of rigid administration and severe legislation.